Astrochicas (Miazanoapte/Ancacazapada) are two chicks from Bucharest, Romania.
"ASTRONOMICO, POR SUPUESTO" is all about poltergeist tv noize, pretty little stars, bunch of expired polaroids and, of course, crazy astro music by Ancacazapada.
Therefore we invite you to explore our UFO ambiental installation at UNAGaleria, within the exhibition "Where's the beef?"on 5 july 17:00.
"ASTRONOMICO, POR SUPUESTO" is all about poltergeist tv noize, pretty little stars, bunch of expired polaroids and, of course, crazy astro music by Ancacazapada.
Therefore we invite you to explore our UFO ambiental installation at UNAGaleria, within the exhibition "Where's the beef?"on 5 july 17:00.